Chris Carter

For King and Country


July 5, 2024

Dear reader,

As you’ve probably noticed, I haven’t posted anything on here in a while. This has been semi-intentional. The unintentional part of why I haven’t posted in so long is simply that life is busier for me. I’m no longer a wide-eyed early 20s man anymore, and as such, my life has a larger number of responsibilities. Blogging is one of the first things on the chopping block when time is short.

The more intentional part has to do with “fit”. Some men are blessed from a fairly young age to know who they are and what they are for. I am not one of those men. This blog provided a platform for me to work through ideas that I was trying to figure out. You tend to do a better job working through something when you have an audience you’re trying to communicate a coherent thought to. Others have benefited, and that’s cool. Against the Divine Right of Kings has been cited many times by friends more active in the cause of reforming America to Christ than I am. But all along, the biggest blessing was recieved by me.

As such, most of the stuff on here was more long-form and theological/philosophical in nature. I considered for a time making that the full purpose of the site and turning it into a more formal publication and organization. I’m glad I didn’t; I don’t fit with the original vision I had anymore. The problem with long-form is that, when it is all you do, it is what you are expected to do, even if this is only an aesthetic expectation. It was the perfect format for a guy who needs to push an idea into all the corners to see how it works, but now that that purpose has been served, the long-form format seems more like a burden than a blessing when it comes to making new content.

Another problem is that there’s a lot more stuff that I’m interested in than just public theology and whatnot. Call Me a Luddite was an experiment in branching out beyond these things, albeit a slightly unhinged one. I wrote that article for the same reason I wrote all my other ones; because it blessed me, and it ended up blessing others. Some men are blessed by going deep into one thing. I am blessed by going wide into all things. For the most part, this blog has been about one thing, or maybe a handful of things. But now I am seriously considering making it a blog about all things. There are many wonderful and good things in this world that God has put here for us to enjoy and glorify Him, things like Linux, and knot tying, and weight lifting, and automobiles, and politics, and so on. All of these things bless me, and I want to talk about them.

So, expect a few changes. Expect more short-form content on a wider range of topics. I’m hoping that this will mean more frequent posts, but no promises there. If you would like to support my work, a little incentive goes a long way; feel free to donate some cryptocurrency using the addresses at the foot of the page. I’m working on getting a fiat payment portal up too.

For Christ’s Crown,


Support Your Friendly Neighborhood Paleocon

If you like my work and want to say thanks, send me some cash below. Even a little bit goes a long way for an independent writer.

Fiat coming soon.

