Chris Carter

For King and Country

Pick Your Path

July 11, 2024

The first lesson about success in life is that it is path dependent.

Where you arrive depends on the path you took to get there. When you’re young, many paths lie before you. You can be anything, because you aren’t anything yet. When you make decisions to take your life in a certain direction, other paths, and therefore other destinations, close off. When you’ve chosen to be a software engineer, it’s hard to pivot to becoming a plumber when you’re 40 (and vice versa). If you’ve just started learning chess at 27, you’ll likely never be a grandmaster. The longer you’ve lived someplace, the harder it is to move somewhere else.

The second lesson about success in life is that it requires two things: starting early, and staying on the path.

Want to make a million dollars? Invest early, and invest consistently. As you get older, the future value of your money diminishes. Want to be healthy and strong when you’re old? Develop and keep a lifelong habit of physical training and a clean diet when you’re young. If you don’t, you may find yourself battling frailty and obesity earlier than you think. Want to be a man of good character? Work on your character now, and put to death your youthful dilenquencies. Want to raise Godly children? Catechize them young, and be consistent as they get older. If you don’t, it may be too late to bring them into the faith when they are older.

The third lesson about success in life is that you are on a path right now, regardless of whether you think you are or not.

The addict tells you they can stop whenever they want. The couch potato says they’ll start working out and eating well when January 1 rolls around. The dad who neglects family worship says he’ll start doing it when his children are older.

Pick your path wisely now, because you may not have the chance to change your future later.

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Fiat coming soon.

