Chris Carter

For King and Country

America Needs Trump

July 21, 2024

History   Political Theory  

The Christian Prince is a great man, whose rule and example galvanizes the political will and civil cohesion of a Christian nation.

I’m not saying Trump is that man. But, Trump gave us a glimpse of what that kind of man can do.

He took a bullet to the ear, meant for his head, and instead of just making a direct escape, he paused, stood up, and pumped his fist to indicate to a watching nation that he still won’t back down without a fight. It was one of the most glorious and galvanizing things America has seen in a long time.

Forget the cowering, lumpy, virtueless, sorry excuses for statesmen huddled under their desks on January 6th. Forget the tyrannical hordes of spineless career bureaucrats who rule from their cushy desks in Washington. The Pawns of the Regime inspire nothing in real American men.

Give me a man who rules from the front. Find me another politician who would stand tall and shake his fist in the air to defy his enemies after almost having his head turned into a canoe.

The Christian Prince inspires every man in his nation to be better, stronger, more diligent, more courageous. He is a true civil magistrate, a magister, a teacher of civil good to his nation, a civil father; someone that all men can look up to as an example of manliness, righteousness, and good conduct. We desperately need these kinds of fathers.

Trump has his problems, as all men do. They are largely irrelevant to his political career and I won’t enumerate them. But he’s also one of the only ones in the political sphere that has the kind of galvanizing gravitas that our nation so desperately needs politically, and that our men need civilly.

I now fly a Trump flag on my house.

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Fiat coming soon.

